Sunday, 22 July 2012


Yesterday, just like most Saturday mornings, I was woken up by Mom whispering, "Bek, you coming to yoga?" As I usually am at 9:30a.m, (yes, I know it's not early at all, but going to bed late and getting up early don't really mix, okay?) I was half asleep and not really in the mood to do yoga. Not wanting to break our (NVM, mom, and my) new routine of Saturday morning yoga, I sleepily got up, got dressed and came downstairs. Mom then handed me a glass of... Fresh juice! Grapefruit, lemon, carrot, and watermelon.  A little bitter and sour since I had just brushed my teeth, but I drank it and then we were out the door for 10 o'clock yoga. Afterwards, I felt awesome! I was super relaxed, and so glad I'd gone (as I usually am :D). So, after a day of sitting outside on the deck by the pool and hanging out with the fam, I decided to blog about yoga.

Yoga is commonly known as a generic term for a physical, mental and spiritual discipline originating in ancient India. It consists of breath control, simple meditation and the adoption of specific bodily postures, practiced mainly for heath and relaxation. The word Namaste, often used in yoga classes as a final salutation, is originally a Hindu greeting meaning "The divine in me salutes the divine in you." To us, it is simply used as a closing to a yoga class but in India, the word is used as a simple and polite bow of greeting or farewell. As we repeat this word at the end of a yoga class, it's is important that we know it's about truly connecting to the higher, divine essence of this greeting. 

So, as I continue to research and practice yoga, I remind myself that it is more than just something to do. It's about meditation, relaxation and connecting with my inner self. I am definitely excited to learn more about it and I'm sure this won't be my last yoga blog.

“All that is best and highest in me salutes all that is best and highest in you.”

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