Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Getting to know me as I get to know myself...

My name is Bekah Sky, I'm 14 years old and it is currently the summer before I start high school. I am a vegan (I wish), okay, well strict vegetarian and dairy-free (most of the time), organic food eating, animal loving, war hating kinda girl. I try to compost and recycle as much as I can (save the planet, one banana peel at time, hehe). You must know that my two loves are 1)cooking and baking, and 2)reading (I guess that's really three then, oh well, you get my drift).

So, the inspiration for this sudden desire to start my own blog? That would be my mom. She has been after me forever saying "So when are you going to start that blog?" Though despite my mom's encouragement, I have always thought "What could I possibly have to write about in a blog?!" Well obviously I've thought of something (though I'm not too sure what that is yet) because here I am, at 12:06a.m, sitting with my laptop writing. Now you're probably wondering why I decided to call it "In Omnia Paratus," well the answer is that I'm a huge Gilmore Girls fan, and it is a phrase from my favourite episode. The saying signifies "ready for all things." Though I may not be ready for all things, I believe I am ready to tackle writing my own blog. So here it goes, my attempt at writing the most amazingest blog ever, hehe... Just kidding of course, mine could never be as good as the NVM's (trust me, you don't wanna know what it stands for) http://traceybdot.blogspot.ca/.

Anyhoo, in the next days, months (maybe even years, if I can plan that far ahead), I will be posting about my ideas, thoughts, funny times; pretty much anything I find interesting enough to share. I will be posting about cooking, baking and recipes (mostly vegan and gluten-free, if not vegetarian), books and quotes, music  and of course, the pass time that kills my brain (one episode at a time), TV shows and movies.

I hope you like it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Like it? I love it!!! You are a talented writer with an amazing heart so keep writing. I'm so proud of you!!! Thank you for inspiring me :)
